
How To Charge Your Phone Without Electricity Using Razor Blade

how to charge your phone without electricity using razor blade by: The CEO of FIDE TV

Razor blade is a thin flat piece of metal with a sharp edge primarily use for cutting.

Apart from it primary use, you can use it and charge phone when can of Coke and piece of carton are added.

 Let me show you how. 

1. Gather 5 or more

razors, piece of

carton and empty

can of coke

2. Use scissors and

Cut the can and

carton paper to the

size of each razor.

3. Prepare non


sulfuric acid and

soak the pieces of

carton in it.

4. Put the razor,

piece of carton, can

one by, one together

and wrap solo tap

around the bunch.

The razor must be

on end at both sides

of the bunch.

5. Find your charger

pin with wire cut and

connect to each side

of the razor-

negative & positive

Then put the charger in your phone and you are good to go.

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